Weather Forecast is an Android app for checking the weather anywhere in the world. You can use it to check forecasts for your city and other cities, too, so it's perfect if you're planning to travel or if your loved ones live in another country.
Get the latest weather updates
The weather information available on Weather Forecast is always up to date. This way, you'll always know the current weather conditions. In addition, the app also shows you the forecast for the next few days. You can also check the wind speed or whether it will rain in the next few hours. Weather Forecast is an easy-to-navigate app that provides much data, such as wind chill. On Weather Forecast, you'll find everything you need to know about the weather.
Check if your flight is going to be delayed
Weather Forecast not only informs you about the weather but also considers your needs and activities. To this end, Weather Forecast offers a daily index section where you can see the probability of flight cancellations, if you can see the stars at night, or if your hair will get frizzy due to humidity. Without a doubt, this is one of the most interesting features of Weather Forecast, although you can also get plenty out of the minute-by-minute weather updates and weekly forecasts.
Download Weather Forecast's APK here so you never leave home without knowing what the weather will be like.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.4 or higher required
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